Category: news and updates


An important question to ask when making custom liquid level sensors is how: How to make the most accurate, durable, and affordable sensor for a given application. To answer that question, we must also ask what: What are the properties of the material that needs to be monitored? Soon, there may ... Read More
December 10, 2012fpisensors


A recent discussion at, an online community for automation professionals, was started by an instrument engineer who asked for advice on choosing between software-based level transmitters or mechanically triggered level switches. The engineer, a Mr. Hasseli, wanted to determine the best solution for producing a reliable level signal. At first, ... Read More
December 3, 2012fpisensors


Liquid level sensors aren’t all about cold technology and engineering. There are some applications for liquid sensing that are more personal, that confront sensitive problems for individual people. Recently, a new solution has been developed to combat the effects of incontinence for those suffering with the stigmatizing condition. It is a ... Read More
November 26, 2012fpisensors


Here at FPI, we generally work with liquid level sensors, which are distinct from fluid level sensors. The difference is that the category of fluids also includes gases, a rather more complicated material to measure. But a team of MIT chemists has found an incredibly cheap and simple way to ... Read More
November 19, 2012fpisensors


The tsunami that hit the shores of Japan last year was a tragic event, and that tragedy was compounded by the damage it caused to the now-infamous Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. One of the factors that complicated recovery efforts was an inability to measure the level of water being ... Read More
November 12, 2012fpisensors


Today’s Float Switch Hero comes to us from Koi Talk, the online forums of England’s Koi magazine. There you’ll find the UK’s most dedicated enthusiasts of keeping and caring for the graceful fish and their pond habitats that are the central feature of Asian-inspired gardens. You’ll also find “Anthony,” a senior ... Read More
November 5, 2012fpisensors


“Float Switch Heroes” is a new feature here at FPI where we’ll share stories of fantastic float switches and liquid level sensors from around the world. We’ll look for these humble, hard-working devices wherever they’re found, from unexpected applications to harsh environments to unorthodox designs – whatever catches our eye. This ... Read More
October 29, 2012fpisensors


Liquid level sensor products designed to detect leaks are supposed to provide you with the security that hazardous chemicals and contaminants are not inadvertently spilled. Many people take for granted that their equipment is working, but there can be serious repercussions resulting from a faulty liquid level switch. Tanks and machinery ... Read More
July 27, 2012fpisensors


I found this video on YouTube and thought it gives a pretty good break down of how float switches work on a very basic level. I should note that this float switch was NOT made by us.
July 2, 2012fpisensors


At FPI sensors we mainly sell commercial float switches and level sensors. However occasionally there are micro level uses – here is an easy five step process on how to assemble a float switch for a fishing tank. Float switches control the amount of water that is pumped into a holding ... Read More
June 20, 2012fpisensors