Is your leak detection float switch doing its job?
Liquid level sensor products designed to detect leaks are supposed to provide you with the security that hazardous chemicals and contaminants are not inadvertently spilled. Many people take for granted that their equipment is working, but there can be serious repercussions resulting from a faulty liquid level switch.
Tanks and machinery hauling and storing hazardous materials depend upon leak protection products, like liquid level switches, to warn and prevent a leak or overflow of potentially dangerous materials. Chemicals spilled into public areas may not only pose an immediate safety risk to those in the vicinity of the leak, but the materials may seep into the ground, contaminating ground water and affecting a greater number of people. Additionally, the contamination may be detrimental to plants and wildlife within the area.
The leak detection sensor may be just be a small part, but is a big player in the grand scheme of things. But, how do you know your leak detection sensor is doing its job? There are a few tell-tale signs that may indicate that you may have a faulty liquid level sensor.
- You recognize odors such as gas, oil or other chemicals that you have not noticed before.
- You notice liquid pooling or gathering near your machine, under the pipes or along the outside of the tank. You may also notice the pipes are coated with the material.
- Routine ground, water or testing indicates a high level of the material you are working with.
- You notice the sound of rushing or running water when no water should be running. You may also notice a hissing sound if gaseous materials are escaping.
You need to replace the fluid more often than before. For example, are you replacing oil or hydraulic fluid more often than normal?
A faulty leak detection liquid level switch can be pose real hazards, compromising the safety of your employees as well as the mass public. Recognizing a potential problem and replacing faulty leak detection flow switch before it becomes widespread can save you time, money and the repercussions that may follow if the leak is hazardous.