Purchasing Float Switches | What to look for
What to look for when purchasing a float switch
Float switches can be found in a number of different industries. They can be applied for purposes that are relatively simple, and they can be used for more complex functions. Regardless of the setting or the switches purpose, it is important to select the correct switch for the application.
In many situations, finding the right float switch can be difficult. You have to consider a range of different factors that will help to determine whether a specific float switch design is suitable for the application. In this post, we are going to look at the factors you should consider when purchasing a float switch.
What is the Float Switch Measuring?
The first things you need to consider the substance that the switch is going to measure. A switch that would be suitable for a water tank would not work well in a harsher environment. In many cases, this is a question of the material from which he switch is made. Getting the wrong switch could lead to failure, and in some settings, that could put lives at risk.
As an example, if the switch is being used in an environment that has corrosive materials, you would need to get a switch that is resistant to corrosion. On the other hand, if you are working in an environment with flammable materials, you may need to get an explosion-proof switch.
Physical arrangement
You are also going to need to consider the location of the switch on the tank. Depending on the location of the switch, you might be able to choose horizontal switches or vertical switches. Vertical switches have a vertical stem with a float that slides up and down the stem. A horizontal float switch will have a hinged float that attaches to the housing.
If you can access the top or bottom of the tank, a vertical switch can be a good option. You can just install the switch through the top or bottom access to the tank. If you cannot access the tank through the top or the bottom, then a side-mounting horizontal switch is probably the better option. The switch will have a fixed housing that can be passed through a hole in the tank.
You may also need to consider the electrical load that needs to be switched. Different switches have different ratings, and it is important to get a switch that can handle the intended load. As a further point, you may need to consider the types of cables that come off the switch. If the liquid is corrosive, you need to make sure the wires have a resistant sheathing.
In many cases, you will be able to find an existing float switch model that fits the correct specifications for an application. However, there are also situations that may require a custom float switch. If you need a custom float switch, it is a good idea to contact a manufacturer. Most manufacturers will make custom float switches to the specification of the customer.