Safety & Liquid Level Sensing in the Nuclear Power Industry
With every new year, we have seen an increase in the world’s energy demands. In addition to that, the concerns over greenhouse gas emissions have caused many to look for electricity generation that does not require the burning of fossil fuels. For many, the ideal substitutes for fossil fuels are things like solar, hydroelectric and wind power, but these technologies have yet to develop in a way that could meet the entire demand and they are not feasible for many places. With all of these factors coming together, it has some viewing nuclear power as the best alternative.
While nuclear power may have issues of its own and there are many that oppose an increased push toward nuclear power, this alternative does offer the possibility of producing the levels of power that are needed and it does this without contributing to the problems associated with greenhouse gas emissions. As nuclear power continues to power homes and possibly expands, it is important that every plant operates under the safest conditions possible, and liquid level sensing is one of the keys to safe nuclear power plant operation.
To get a better understanding of the ways in which liquid level sensing can help to ensure the safety of nuclear power generation, let’s take a look at some of the ways that liquid level sensors are used in the industry.
One of the ways in which safe nuclear power relies on liquid level sensing is in the emergency coolant tanks. These tanks store extra water to use as a coolant if there is a problem with the primary cooling system. If the emergency tanks run low, a liquid level sensor can trigger a pump to make sure that they are maintained at a safe level. Since these tanks are used to prevent a potential meltdown, they play an important role in ensuring that the a plant operates safely.
Liquid level sensing is also needed for the pools in which spent fuel rods are stored. Before these rods can be sent away for permanent storage or reprocessing, they must be cooled in one of these pools. For these rods to be stored safely in the pools, it needs to have sensors that detect high and low levels and it will need to have the ability to detect leaks. The sensors help to maintain the safety of the spent rod pools and they protect against the leakage of radioactive waste.
Water plays a crucial role in cooling the radioactive element used for the production of nuclear power. In the above examples, you have just two of the ways in which liquid level sensing can be used. Depending on the circumstance, you will find liquid level sensors of many different types throughout a nuclear power facility. If you have questions about how our liquid level sensors work or want a quote, please contact us here!