Uses for Multi-Level Float Switches
Float switches are used in a number of different industrial processes. A single stage switch can be the perfect solution for measuring high points and low points in tanks, and they can also be a good solution for switching on various pieces of equipment when the liquid or material in the tank reaches the level specified for the application.
Beyond the need for standard single point actuation, you also have a number of applications that may need multiple switching points. For these applications, the best option is to go with a multi-level float switch. Instead of having a series of single-stage switches for the different points, a multi-level switch with have a series of actuation points. This means that all of the necessary switching can go in through a single access point.
A multi-level float switch works on the same principles as a standard float switch. It has a float that rises and falls as the amount of material in the tank rises and falls. The main difference is that instead of a single switch, a multi-level float switch will have two or more. As the float rises or falls, it can activate the different switches as it goes to the different predetermined levels.
While two stages is a minimum for a float switch to be considered multi-level, you can arrange a multi-level float switch with a number of different points depending on the purpose. By working with the float switch engineers, you can customize the number of levels, and have the different levels set to your specification. The intervals between the stages can be set to precise specifications and you can also choose to have switches that operate in the normally closed or normally open configuration.
A tank might need a multi-level switch for different reasons. A multi-level switch would be necessary for any application where more than one point level requires some type of feedback or response. The feedback could be an alarm that lets a person monitoring the tank know when it has reached or fallen to a certain level. It could also be used to engage or disengage equipment that is necessary for the application.
As an example, let’s say you have a tank that needs multiple actuations as the liquid level rises. The first stage on the switch might just activate an alarm to make a staff member aware that the liquid has reached a specified high point. If the liquid continues to rise, the second stage might activate a discharge pump to reduce the level. If the liquid continues to rise to a third level, this could tell the pump to switch to a higher setting to discharge the liquid at a faster rate.
Beyond making multi-level float switches with a number of different levels or set to custom configurations, you can also design float switches from a wide range of materials that can be good for operation under harsh conditions or in hazardous work environments. If you already know the exact specifications of the multi-level switch you need, it can be made custom for your purpose. If not, we can work with you to find the right switching solution for the intended application.